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Paint By Numbers Blog-Paint by Numbers - A personal experience-Canvas by Numbers

Paint by Numbers - A personal experience

My name is Katia and I'm originally from France, but I moved to Oslo (Norway) in 2000. Today I wanted to share my personal experience with painting by numbers and how it personally helped me overcoming a difficult life situation. I hope you enjoy it and somehow feel encouraged to face future challenges.

Why did I start Painting by numbers?

I always had a creative soul and I like to practice different kinds of art. It can be drawing, making jewelry, painting and so on. I use art to express myself and to relieve stress/anxiety.

Everything started in 2002 when I got diagnosed with cancer and had to be hospitalized for a little while. You can imagine the feeling when you receive that sort of news, it's kind of devastating. I decided to focus on my recovery and especially on my mental health. I began to craft animals with wire and pearls. It helped me to distract myself from the disease and go through my days at the hospital. Unfortunately, I never managed to get back to work, which is hard psychologically speaking, but on the other hand, it leaves me plenty of free time.

I started to use my creativity to make my mental health better. I like to try new things so I learned to paint on silk, draw, do some collage techniques etc. There are so many options when you think about it.

Years later, in 2016 at a Christmas market in Oslo, I discovered a stand where it was possible to paint on a huge canvas which was a gift to the royal family. Everyone had the chance to paint a little-numbered section. I fell in love immediately with the concept so I bought my first canvas by numbers. After that, I never stopped.

a woman painting on canvas

Paint by numbers canvas for the royal family, in Oslo.

What kind of benefits do I get from painting by numbers?

I started to be more positive and encouraging feedback from my friends. I never thought I could inspire and engage so many people with my new hobby.
In the beginning, I told them: “It is simple, I just follow the numbers and voilà”. They reacted saying it was not that simple because it demands concentration, patience, and precision. Now I can say I agree with them. It is an art to paint by numbers because it challenges your mind, soul, and patience.
It helped me to be more confident because I can see that I have some qualities I never thought I had in me. Those qualities are a great help in my daily life (breath out, stay calm, be patient and thinking outside the box).

So in summary, painting by numbers is an important tool for me to define my own path and help me to move forward. Here is one of my favorite paintings:

How did I find Canvas by numbers and why I choose to buy from them?

I did an online search and found a few specials designs. There are many online stores selling painting kits. I ordered from 3 different places so I could compare. It is not easy to find kits with good quality and good customer service.
When I discovered Canvas by numbers, I was happy and satisfied with the customer service they offered. The designs were funny, special and had a wide collection. I think it is important to keep the personal touch. We all like to be treated like humans and some businesses forget about that.

What kind of designs do I like?

All my paintings reveal who I am and what I like to do. We all have preferences.

The themes for my paintings have been so far nature (a promenade in a forest), animals (cats), yoga (tree of life), town (typical street of Paris with Eiffel tower), spirituality (feminine angel). The good thing about painting by numbers is that you can actually paint something you feel identified with without requiring great expertise. As long as you can color inside the lines and follow the directions, it is very easy and rewarding. Still, some paintings are more challenging than others, so it is better to choose simple compositions if you are just getting started.

Paint by numbers kits

In December 2016 we had to say goodbye to our black cat. He was a cool street cat who chose us to be his family. My son has missed him since. When I saw the painting by numbers with that cool black cat, It reminded me of him. So I ordered it immediately and painted it for my son in tribute to our dear Teddy ❤️

Cats and dogs paint by numbers

There are many ways to cope with daily life but if you haven't tried yet, painting by numbers is an excellent one. Sometimes we are so busy that we forget to take some "me time" and I believe this is key for mental stability, same as coffee in the morning! And talking about coffee below is another painting I really enjoyed - this time I painted the borders myself to make a frame-like effect.

Paint by numbers Collections

and remember...

Don't be afraid to try new things. Challenge yourself and when you are done, challenge yourself once more! It's the only way to grow, really. And you, do you paint by numbers? ;)

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