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Paint By Numbers Blog-How Canvas by Numbers as a Social Activity can Benefit you-Canvas by Numbers

How Canvas by Numbers as a Social Activity can Benefit you

Paint by numbers are painting kits that are essential for beginner painters who want to start their journey on becoming an artist! They are canvases with premade grayscale lines that indicate which colors go where in the painting based on the numbers. And they are great for a social activity you can do with your friends or family. When you don’t know what to paint or are struggling with the potential of the blank canvas, the paint by number canvases are perfect for you and your friends or family!

There’s Many Paint by Number Kits Out There

We can’t talk about paint by numbers without talking about some tools that go into your artwork. First are the essentials: Your paint brushes (obviously), your paint by number canvas, and finally your colors to use! Some paint by number kits have all these things included, but be sure to do some quick research before you buy!  Now, let’s get into sharing why paint by numbers is such a great social activity

Don’t Paint Alone! Paint by Numbers At Your Next Social Activity!

If you’re a small group leader in need of some ideas for activities, or you just want to do something different with your friends, then paint by number painting sessions are definitely an activity for you. Think about it, if your friends have no art experience, then it’s still okay because of the premade lines and spots for your paint. All the recommended colors are also usually given in the paint by number paper, so there is no need for you to be a good artist.

Here’s our three best paint by numbers social activities you can do with others:

1. Paint By Numbers for Small Group Events

If you’re a small group leader for a church, school, or some other kind of event or location, you’re always looking for things to do! Paint by numbers is a great activity for small group events, and it gives the participants something tangible to take with them back home.

2. Paint By Numbers for a Party

Are you planning a party? Painting by numbers is a great activity to do for any type of party. From birthdays to luau’s, people will love doing this activity. And, you could even make it a contest. You can create a contest for the fastest to complete the paint by numbers painting, or you can create a contest for the most creative painting, but still staying within the paint by numbers guidelines.

3. Paint By Numbers for Girl’s Night

Planning a girl’s night out? Or even a girl’s night in? Paint by numbers is a great colorful activity to add into the mix. The paint by numbers activity is a great activity to do for any age group. For young girls you can add in contests, for adults you can add in some wine and cheese to the painting activity to give it a more relaxed and stress-free feel. Whatever girl’s night activity you’re planning, paint by numbers will make a great addition to your itinerary.

Don’t Miss Out on Paint by Numbers for Your Next Social Event!
And, fun fact, paint by numbers kits were conceived by two firms in the 1940s. It hasn’t been until recent years where the trend has been resurrected and become a great activity you can do with others. If you haven’t tried painting by numbers for your next social activity, well now you know what to do for next time!

Have you tried paint by numbers before? Are you thinking about doing a paint by number activity with your friends? Get your paint by numbers kit on, and let us know what social activity you used them at.

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