Sammlung Cassius Marcellus Coolidge
Obwohl Cassius Marcellus Coolidge kaum oder gar keine formelle Ausbildung als Künstler hatte, hinderte ihn das sicherlich nicht daran, mit seinen bekannten Pokergemälden seine Spuren in der Welt der Kunst zu hinterlassen. Sein Humor spiegelte sich schließlich in seinem berühmtesten Werk wider, einer Gemäldeserie namens „Dogs Playing Poker“. Die Gemäldeserie umfasste Hunde bei allen möglichen menschlichen Aktivitäten. Heute sind diese anthropomorphen Darstellungen von Hunden ein beliebter Bestandteil der Popkultur.
Dabble in Comical Art
Even if you're not a professional artist, we have something for you. Paint by numbers is the perfect activity for people who want to try out art but don't want to commit to learning a whole new skill. Satirical poker paintings by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge present only a small portion of the choices at your hands. You can choose landscapes to paint, abstract art, or even human figure portraits.
Paint Your Own Rendition of a Pop Culture Icon
We've taken the guesswork out of creating your own paint by number masterpiece by providing the tools that help you create the best painting every time. Our easy-to-use paint by numbers kit comes with everything you could ever need: acrylic paints, specialty brushes, high-resolution numbered canvas prints, and a reference sheet. We make it possible for anyone to become an artist without having any previous experience or training. Simply follow our step-by-step instructions, and you'll be able to express yourself in ways that go beyond Cassius M. Coolidge’s poker paintings using paint by number kits for adults.