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Sternennacht über der Rhône
€27,96 EUR
The Prominent Artist, Vincent Van Gogh:
Explore the captivating journey of Vincent Van Gogh, a trailblazing artist whose passion and perseverance left an indelible mark on the world of art. Despite facing personal struggles, Van Gogh's unwavering dedication to his craft led to the creation of some of the most iconic artworks in history.
Exploring the Artwork - Starry Night Over the Rhône:
Transport yourself to the enchanting streets of Arles, France, as depicted in Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night Over the Rhône." Painted in September 1888, this masterpiece captures the tranquility of the night sky, with stars dancing above the gently flowing river. Van Gogh's masterful use of color and texture brings this nocturnal scene to life, inviting viewers to experience its beauty firsthand.
Celebrate Artistic Inspiration:
Embrace Vincent Van Gogh's artistic legacy with our limited edition Paint by Numbers kit. Let the captivating allure of "Starry Night Over the Rhône" inspire your imagination and awaken your inner artist today!