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Returns & Refunds Policy

1. Return eligibility

To be eligible for a refund or exchange, you must have purchased one of the items sold on Canvas by Numbers. By purchasing any item on Canvas by Numbers, you accept our returns and refunds policy.

Our return policy lasts for 60 days after receiving your order. If more than 60 days have passed since delivery, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

The item being returned must be in the same condition as you have received it. It must be unused and sent back in the original packaging. If it is not, no or only a partial refund will be granted.

The following items are non-returnable:

  • Custom kits
  • Gift cards
  • Items that are on sale & pre-stretched kits

2. Return process

Please do not refuse any packages from Canvas by Numbers, as we might not receive them and will be unable to refund you. Please accept all deliveries and contact us directly if you want to return an item. We will let you know how to proceed. 

3. Exchanges

If you'd like to return the item for a refund/exchange, we will be glad to help. Please send us an email to: Remember that voluntary returns will be subjected to return fees as explained in section 4.

4. Return fees

To return a product, you should send us an email at, and we will provide further instructions.

If you are returning US warehouse items, we can issue a pre-paid shipping label for your convenience. The label cost will be discounted from the refund amount and the amount will depend on the shipment weight and zone. If you are returning overseas factory items, we'll provide you with our California returns address and you'll need to purchase the shipping label.

Once your return is received, we will notify you. The package and its content will be inspected, and we will let you know when the return is approved or rejected within 5 business days.

If the return is approved, we will send you funds equal to the purchase amount minus any returns fees (if we issued a prepaid label) to the payment method you have used during checkout.

If you have any questions during the return process, please contact us at

5. Order cancelation

We always advise double-checking your shipping address before completing your order. If you wish to cancel you order, please do so in the next 24 hours after payment. 

You can email us at with the subject CANCEL ORDER and your order number. However, if the order has already shipped, we won't be able to do any changes.

Note that a product might ship on the same day if it is in stock. This means that even if you reach out within the next 24 hours to cancel or modify your order, we cannot guarantee it as it might already be with the carrier.

If you ordered a custom kit, we won't be able to cancel your order if production has already started.

Please be informed that every time an order is made, the utilized payment gateway will levy a commission for its online transaction services. This commission commonly ranges from 2 to 5% plus an additional 30 cents. Kindly note that this particular amount is non-refundable to us in the event of an order cancellation, hence, it will be deducted from the total order value. Your understanding regarding this matter is highly appreciated.

6. In transit related issues

Sometimes mistakes or accidents happen.

We’offer package protection at checkout to give our customers the best possible delivery experience. We provides low-cost shipping protection to protect your package in the event that it gets lost, stolen, or damaged while in transit.

If you experienced an issue with your order, please contact us. Please note, if you refuse to add package protection at checkout, Canvas by Numbers won't be responsible for any damaged, lost or stolen orders.

When an order is lost in transit or damaged (unusable), we will resend or refund your order. In the event of theft or misplacement after an order is marked as delivered, we will be more than happy to resend your order, but we won't issue a refund for this particular case.

Canvas by Numbers will offer no compensation for shipping delays unrelated to us. We have no control over other companies' logistics operations, but if that's the case, we'll do our best to assist.

7. Non transit related issues

Assuming your order is not damaged in transit, lost or stolen, you can reach out to us if:

- You received the wrong product (warehouse fault).
- Your product has the incorrect specifications (i.e., you purchased your kit framed but received it rolled instead).
- You are missing the reference sheet or color chart (we can email you these), or any items that should have been included in your order (we will resend them to you).

Important consideration:

• If we missed any paint color or accessories, we would gladly resend them, but we won't provide a full refund based on this.

• If your kit was shipped in a box and it arrives damaged due to transportation, this is not considered a reason to claim compensation. The box has a protective function and is not considered necessary to complete the painting, therefore, if the product inside is in perfect condition we cannot refund your order nor grant compensation.

• Paint coverage will vary depending on the color. Some colors are more translucent, requiring several layers to cover the numbers while others are completely opaque. Kindly send us pictures to verify the coverage if this is an issue. We will happily provide any extra paint needed within the guarantee period. Kindly note we will not refund an order due to this matter.

• If your canvas is missing numbers in some areas, we will be more than happy to provide the high-resolution PDF file so you can complete your painting.

• If your canvas has small dents due to transportation, these can typically be fixed by ironing the canvas or stretching it. You can email us some pictures and if the dents are too deep, we will send you a new canvas free of charge.

About custom orders:

As mentioned, custom kits are only refundable if there is a clear factory fault (misnumbered colors, wrong image or size received, etc.).

We will not issue refunds based on your personal taste of what you think your custom painting should look like. Software processes all images to create a matching color palette for a given image. If the photo provided does not follow our mandatory recommendations, the result will not be optimal. For example:

  • If your photo has poor lighting or shadows on the skin, it will turn out darker than you expect.
  • If you picture is low quality (you should always submit HD images when possible).
  • If faces are far from the camera, the level of detail we can capture will be considerably reduced.
  • Choosing the smallest canvas size and the minimum number of colors will lessen the detail accordingly.

No refunds will be granted if you did not follow our instructions to submit a good picture.

7. Customer service

For questions, support, problems, or warranty claims, please contact us by email at

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